Friday, January 24, 2014

Krauthammer: Obamacare "Was Written Deliberately To Force Employers To Kick People Off Their Plans"

Krauthammer: Obamacare "Was Written Deliberately To Force Employers To Kick People Off Their Plans"

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: If I could add one point on Target canceling the health insurance for part-time workers. They are spinning it as, we have to do that because otherwise they won't be able to acquire subsidies on the exchanges. And so you have to ask yourself, why is that so? Why aren't the part-time workers allowed a choice? Stay with Target, stay with your doctor, or go on the exchanges and get a subsidy.

So what it tells you is the bill was written deliberately to force employers to kick people off their plans so that would be the only way to get the subsidies. In fact, what it tells you is that none of this is an unintended side effect of the creation of Obamacare. The purpose of Obamacare was to destroy the relationship between the employer and the employee in getting health care, and that's exactly why millions of people are being tossed off and millions more will be as the larger employers start tossing people off later in the year.

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