Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Commander-In-Chief Elevates the Status of Muslims Over Christians In the Military told you why obama did this watch all the dems get removed and replaced

The Commander-In-Chief Elevates the Status of Muslims Over Christians In the Military

(by Common Sense, BIN) -- When an American male enlists in the military, one of the first things that happens to them is the infamous buzz cut. This symbolizes the loss of individual identity and the adoption of a collective and cohesive mentality shared by recruits who are equal in status before their respective commanding officers.
There soon will be a dangerous departure from this time honored indoctrination. In the near future, beards, turbans and other religious demonstrations will become an accepted part of the American military uniform. The newly announced Pentagon policy does not specifically rule out Christians from doing the same. However, what kind of beard, turban, burkas, etc., would Christians display?  Where is the religious equality in the military? And what about unit cohesion? Individuality erodes traditional military discipline where all soldiers represent one ideal which is characterized by a membership to a fraternity which defends the country from both its foreign and domestic entities.
It is noteworthy that this announced policy comes on the heels of some very blatant set of discriminations levied by the Pentagon against members of the Christian faith. These abuses of our American military personnel, of the Christian persuasion, are outlined here.

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