Saturday, August 16, 2014

WATCH: Obama Tries to Get Away With a Massive Lie… And Fails

WATCH: Obama Tries to Get Away With a Massive Lie… And Fails

August 16, 2014
President Obama ended the war in Iraq in 2011, by precipitously withdrawing all of our remaining troops from the country.  Obama was sure to remind the American people of that fact constantly, throughout his reelection campaign in 2012.
He was also responsible for the release of numerous Al-Qaeda terrorists that had been captured in Iraq.  One of those men, released in 2009, has gone on to become the head of the ISIS Islamic State terror army that is slaughtering Christians and minorities by the thousands in Iraq and Syria.
Now, due to increasing public outrage at the genocide occurring in Iraq, Obama has finally authorized airstrikes against the ISIS terror army.  Unsurprisingly though, Obama’s story on Iraq has changed, as it no longer fits the narrative pushed by his administration for the past few years.
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Although Obama repeatedly claimed credit for ending the war in Iraq and bringing home our troops, he now claims that ending the war was “not my decision“.  He has even gone so far as to resort to his tried and true tactic of blaming Bush, saying the abrupt ending to the war in Iraq in 2011 was actually set in place during the previous administration, and he had nothing to do with it.
Watch as Obama blatantly lies in an attempt to rewrite history, right before our very eyes, thanks to Western Journalism.
The truth is, Obama abandoned Iraq for political reasons, to keep a campaign promise from 2008 to bring the war to a close during his first term.
Unfortunately, the fledgling Iraqi Army was not ready to stand on their own yet, and the dysfunctionally corrupt Iraqi government most certainly wasn’t ready to run the country in a fair and equitable manner.
As such, a resurgent terror movement, under the label of ISIS now, has overtaken large swaths of the country, sending the Iraqi Army fleeing back to Baghdad, with the central government unable to do anything to stop them.
The fall of Iraq can be blamed on Obama, and Obama alone.  He is the one who decided to pull out all of our troops before the Iraqis were ready.  He is the one who has released terrorists that have returned to the battlefield to fight us once more.  And he is the one who has silently watched a terror army, unlike anything we have seen before, rise to power and establish a Caliphate, or Islamic State, right in the middle of territory that American men and women shed blood and sacrificed life and limb for just a few years ago.
Please share this on Facebook and Twitter if you know that Obama is to blame for the turmoil in Iraq, despite any lies he may tell to the contrary.

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